How GPS tracking can assist in reducing Cargo Shipment Container Delays?

If you are looking out for API container tracking, then Vizion Api can be one of the best options for you.

It is seen that the delay in cargo shipment containers can increase the logistics cost. Further, you can’t pass that to clients as you may risk losing sales.

So, the easiest way through which you can maximize the profit is to incorporate GPS-based container cargo tracking.

Also, the dwell time is basically the time the cargo containers tend to stay in temporary storage while in transit. It basically involves three stages:-

● Entry

In this stage, the container is unloaded from the transport and then transferred to the storage yard.

● Storage

In this stage, the container is put on hold till all the charges such as paperwork, and import duties are cleared and get clearance from customs.

● Exit

In this, loading and further transport to the container is done. Besides various other exit formalities are performed such that the container gets ready for release.

So, long dwell time can indeed have a not so good impact on container terminal operations. This leads to an increase in the inflated storage fees, locked in working capital, holding cost of inventory, etc.

So, it is important that you incorporate freight container tracking such that all of these issues can be handled.

Besides this, you can also take the services of Vizion API.

They are a reputed organization and they can assist you with sea cargo shipment tracking.

Why Does Delay Take Place in Cargo Shipment Containers?

  • Container & Paperwork Transfer

It can take some time when it comes to completing various processes. These include arranging for the clearance charges, imported containers clearance, completing the intermodal transfer etc.

Besides this, more time would be needed for container ports that have inland container depots.

  • Release Cost
Sometimes, the delay in shipment containers can be due to liquidity. It is seen that shippers don’t have a lot of cash and thus they reduce their financial exposure.

So, they tend to pay the clearance & customs fees only once a buyer is secured for the cargo. Besides this, they borrow the capital only when they know that the container has arrived.

Thus, shippers most often leave the containers in off dock container yards or terminals. This situation happens if they are unable to pay the port clearance charges in the advance.

  • Lower Cost Of Storage

There are various container terminals who offer 3-15 days free time based on the congestion facility & usual throughput. Thus, shippers tend to take full benefit of this.

Even when the free time gets expired, then the cost of fees is lower with regards to third-party storage facilities.

So, lower cost of storage drives the shipping company to use the storage. This is also done such that total logistics cost is minimized.

  • Inefficiency

In general, shippers can expect inevitable delays and hence there is a difference between the expected & the actual delivery.

In a scenario, when the container arrives earlier, then pickup might be delayed. So, it totally boils down to inventory management strategy, managing schedule of consignee and product distribution plan.

Hence, the dwell time of the container would play a very important role when it comes to the port selection.

In general, it is seen that shippers tend to favor the ports that tend to have a low dwell time. But, in such a case, there is usually higher storage and processing fees. Hence, they are more likely to look out for alternative options.

The only thing that is possibly stopping them is lack of situational awareness.

Also, if they are aware of total logistics cost and the dwell time, then operations could be managed in an efficient way. This is perhaps where the GPS container tracking comes into the play.

How Dwell Time can be reduced with GPS Container Tracking?

There are a number of shipment tracking solutions present that can fulfill the visibility gap in cargo container movement.

It is seen that wire-free, portable, discreet and battery powered devices can easily track the movement of goods.

The best part is that all of them are quite easy to set up as they use GSM+GPS tracking such that container movement can be tracked.

Besides, there are two options available depending on what you are looking to track.

  • Full Container Load Tracking

You can make use of a GPS tracking device at the side of the shipping container with the help of bolts or magnets.

You can also make use of GPS enabled container padlocks that work in a similar manner. The added advantage of using this is that remote unlocking/locking can be done. Also, the tracking can be accessed for the added container security.

  • Less Than Container Load Tracking

In this, you just have to put the GPS device within the shipment.

Besides this, you can attach the GPS tracker to reusable shipping assets such as bins, pallets or cages.

One of the great aspects about this tracker is that it can help secure the cargo by flagging the inventory that is missing.

Moreover, GPS tracking devices can provide you with live updates regarding the location as well as movement of the containerized goods. Some of the other ways it can help are:-

  • Determining if the containers have been unloaded/loaded properly which helps out in avoiding the reshipping/delays costs.

  • Monitoring the complete dwell time at terminals or ports and therefore extra holding charges are avoided.

  • You can measure the dwell time at the terminals. This help out in contesting any unreasonable charges that might be charged to you.

  • Giving you an update regarding the ETAs arrival and thus you can plan for pickup, paperwork and capital expenses.

It will assist in planning the downstream processes like distribution & sales in a much better planner.

Another great advantage of tracking is that it can help you to determine the cause of the damage or theft. In this way, unnecessary insurance claims can be easily reduced.

Also, live information & accurate alerts about delays, movements and disruptions will allow you to take necessary actions. In this way, your supply chain would be moving while you can fulfill the customers’ expectations.

Some of the other benefits that are associated with GPS tracking are:-

  •  Safeguarding Cargo Theft

Theft of Cargo is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to the container transport industry.

Thus, GPS plays a very important role as it creates a geo fence around a particular area.

Further, it alerts if any kind of unauthorized movements take place.

After this, the information is forwarded to the administrators and thus they can get in touch with the driver if required.

  • Increase in the Control

GPS tends to offer a real time tracking through which cargo fleet and logistics can be managed quite easily.

Besides this, clients are updated in real time about the transfer of assets and exact location of the goods.

Additionally, the issues and delays can be easily identified and steps are taken through which the impact is reduced.

  • Increased Safety of the Worker

Tracking systems are fitted with panic buttons and thus drivers can feel secure. Also, there is an option for two way communication. Thus, administrators and drivers can connect with each other when needed.

Final Verdict

Container tracking has a number of benefits associated with it. Imagine the damage it can do if the cargo is lost, left behind or late.

Lastly, GPS tracking can provide the shippers a complete idea about the additional costs that have incurred. Apparently, it also provides them the way to reduce it and have a stable supply chain.​​
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